Dale's Story

Dale was born 1 month premature,he also had the umbilical wrapped around his neck. When he was born he weighed 6 pounds and 4 ounces. When he was about 6 mths old he was admitted in the hospital for severe croup. The doctor told me if I knew that he had Downs Syndrome. I was shocked by didn't freak for I had been around Down children before. About a week later I ask the doctor for more info on Downs and he told me that it wasn't Downs it was Hunters. Well then I freaked I had know idea what that was. Well the more info I got the more depressed I got. I pushed everyone away except Dale. Even my older daughter was pushed away.

Well just before Sydneys 3rd birthday the doctor phoned me and the test results were negative. He did not have hunters. I started to laugh and cry, I was so happy and releaved. In May, he went to see the doctors because I was worried about the lumpy skull and him grabbing his head like he was in pain.

It was in June that we found out he had crouzon syndrome. His grandmother on his father side has it too and found out a couple days later. So far it skipped his father. Dale's full name is Dale Jesse James Kool and birth date is Febuary 27 / 96. His sister is Sydney Dae Griffin, born December 10 / 94. Sydney is jealous of him so we keep a close eye on her. So far the doctors have not set a surgery date. But whenever, Dales skull will be crushed or broken and reshaped to give his brain room.{Right now he has pressure on the brain} They also want to give him a bigger bridge for his nose and enlarge his lower jaw. If you need more info then let me know. One thing though I wouldn't trade Dale for any thing in the world. He is my pride and joy.

Angee Kool -- From Ontario, Canada
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